Gradyent has expanded its physical presence to the DACH region. We have been building a local team of industry experts and launched Gradyent GmbH. With this expansion, we are building further on our work in the DACH region and will be able to support more companies in making their heating systems future-proof.
Since two years, we have been working for leading district heating companies in the DACH region such as Wien Energie, E.ON and Fernwärme Ulm. This month, we expanded our physical presence to the DACH region by launching Gradyent GmbH and building a local team of industry experts:
Volker Clauss – Director Business Development
Sebastian Schirber – Solutions Lead
Fabian Ney – Solutions Engineer
Alasdair Stone – Business Development
Hessan Haiderzada – Business Development
Digital Twin in DACH
Heating companies’ core job is to deliver reliable and affordable heat now and in the future, that has never been more challenging. In order to be future proof, heating companies need to optimise operations, decarbonise heat sources and grow their networks. We believe that digital and data play a key role in this transformation, as transparency and insights lead to better efficiency and decisions.
Gradyent has developed software based on the Digital Twin technology. A digital copy of the physical heat system is made, combining geographical, weather and sensor data with physical models and AI. The Digital Twin makes it possible to optimise the heating system in real-time and to run simulations of future situations, saving on average 20% heat loss, 10% CO2 emissions and 5-10% fuel costs.
For Wien, we have been lowering network temperatures to improve efficiency. In Ulm, we used the Digital Twin to identify pressure bottlenecks for its district heating network. With E.ON, the Digital Twin increases transparency in the network and assesses available capacity to add more users to it.
Urgency to optimise and decarbonise heating systems
Last month, our team visited the District Heating Days (Fernwärmekolloquium) in Dresden, hosted by AGFW. We learned that political focus and funding schemes are impressive and very positively received by all players. A lot of projects and initiatives that are implementing new carbon free sources are set up and tested successfully these days, showing that the heat transition is rapidly gaining momentum. Large heat pumps receive huge attention, no matter if they are fueled by rivers, geothermal sources, solar thermal sources or waste heat. While many industry partners were present, digitalisation did not get much attention in the sessions. Renewable energy providers are interested in digital twins as they recognise how these tools can help district heating operators to plan, operate and predict renewable assets very efficiently.
Would you like to know more?
Our mission is to shape the future of district heating and support district heating companies in their task to deliver reliable and affordable heat by smart use of digital. Would you like to learn more? Get in touch with us to discover what the Gradyent Digital Twin can do for your network.